Friday, July 25, 2014

Zoo Day

This post is jam-packed so let me apologize in advance.

TGIF right?! Last weekend blew by, and some how this week was one of the slowest ones ever? I woke up on Tuesday thinking it was Thursday, even told a co worker "hang in there tomorrow's Friday, and they gave me the craziest look.. oops! Then woke up again on Wednesday convinced it was Thursday. Anyways back to last weekend, Saturday was busy busy but started with a Zoo day with one of my favorite people (and her awesome husband) Taylor Morgan!

So Incase you didn't know, Taylor and I go way back. I grew up dancing at her Mom's studio but we really became close when I moved to NYC. Moving across the country can be a scary thing, I moved with a roommate who only stayed 2 weeks before moving back home and only knew a handful of people in the city. I am SO THANKFUL I had her and her amazing husband James to lean on when I moved here and am still so lucky to have such great city friends. It's even better now that Paris is here, because he and James get along swimmingly, #besties.
Taylor designs for Tommy Hilfiger and always gets great deals through her company, so her and James got free passes to the Queens Zoo Paris and I tagged along for the day! I had been to the Bronx Zoo but never the Queens one so we were excited to see what it had to offer. Naturally, I wore a zebra peplum top, leopard espadrilles and a snake purse; and Paris wore a bucket hat…. no comment.

Top Shop Koala Leopard Espadrille (+ solid colors here)
Kate Spade (old) Peplum (similar) || Wet Seal Black high-waist Shorts
Poppy Clips c/o gold studs - these snap onto to any shorts or pants

 Honestly, the Zoo itself was just okay. The biggest highlight was the Sea Lions (I seriously love Sea Lions so I was really excited about seeing them), but the lack of elephants and monkeys kind of got me down.  But I always have such a blast with Taylor & James that they make even a monkey-free zoo such a blast. On the plus side, the Queens Zoo is small enough for a quick 2 hour trip or good for little kids because it's a short walk & there's a petting zoo.

And hey guess what, Taylor is positing about her Zoo day too (I don't know why we don't blog collab more, we really need to get our acts together) so swing by her blog & check. it. out.


Weekend Highlights
Before I let you go I wanted to share what I was reading this week. Last Sunday I made a list of all my favorite weekly reads and assigned days to check in on them, some have to be checked daily, and others twice a week but no matter the frequency, my type-A side made a schedule for it and I am planning on sticking to it! Thanks to my daily reading list I was able to keep up on all of my favorite blogs/sites this week (this never happens) so I had to share the highlights.

// Mackenzie Horan shares the sweetest class in NYC in her recap of a Macaron Workshop // I'm obsessed with how Blaire Edie rocked all white (my summer uniform) in this self portrait pretty // My good friend Melanie shares three things that make life easier - she's one of the sweetest gals around with an infectiously positive personality so I have to try some of her tricks // Kelly in the City rocked this Jonathan Adler hat & now I'm jonesing for a beach day // A Lacey perspective is giving away a super cute summer outfit & her darling pug makes an appearance in the post //

What are your weekend plans?
Although there will be no parrots or alligators filling my days, it should still be a wild one! I'll be turning another year older (and probably none the wiser) on Saturday so I will be celebrating with a polka dot picnic in the park. Be sure to follow along via instagram!


  1. I love this look. This makes me want to live in New York even more! Sadly I am too far south to make that possible for a while. I'm glad you were able to have a good time with your friends despite the zoo being sub par. The zebra top is really cute on you and I will definitely be checking out a couple of those links :)

    Theatricality by Mariah

  2. What a perfect outfit for a day at the zoo! <3

    Sweet Madame Blue

  3. Looks like a great day sand you look adorable! Have a great weekend, Courtney!

    Heidi D.

  4. Fab top chick, looks great with the belt over

  5. Awesome outfit girl :) Man I seriously need some wildlife in my life! HAHA

  6. You are looking gorgeous in this outfits


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