Tuesday, July 29, 2014

More Issues Than Vogue

Today we're getting a little graphic ... in graphic tees of course! Oh and I say we because Waffles is blog crashing yet again ... but he's not the only furry friend making an appearance! 

Graphic tee's are totally having a moment right now (But I mean, when are they not). I have long been a fan of these wordy wearables but sometimes find it hard to incorporate them into my wardrobe without looking too casual, especially come summer! For any of the other seasons, a bold blazer can be the perfect way to dress up a graphic. Finish the look up with some layered necklaces and viola instant glam, but in the Summer, a blazer is the last thing I want to wear (although the weather has been surprisingly nice lately ... knock on wood) - my summer solution to adding some edge to a graphic tee? a sleeveless tuxedo vest! 
I fell in love with this graphic tank from Dentz Denim via etsy (she has super cute sweatshirts & harry potter inspired tees in her shop too - jackpot). When I first put it on Paris shook his head and said, "you know that's not a compliment right?" ... right.

This isn't my first (and won't be my last) dabble with a vogue-inspired tee. Remember this post that waffles also crashed? Speaking of Waffles, the cutest thing EVER happened during this shoot with The Jane Street (instagram account), he met a horse right outside of the classic Jane Street Hotel ... Waffles met a horse.
So about this giddy-up meet & greet that you are witnessing. First of all Waffles was obsessed, he literally loved this horse! I guess it helps that Waffles thinks he himself is about the size of the horse and is too fearless for his own good. Anyways, him & his larger four-legged-friend quickly became besties, filling Waffle's little heart with joy only to be ripped out when he had to say goodbye. Literally I have never seen something that depressing or ridiculous happen before my eyes. It was like that scene in The Fox and The Hound when Todd and Copper part ways at the end and you don't know if they are still friends or just going to forget about each other forever, if you aren't tearing up right now you have no soul. Side note, why is Disney so dang depressing? Anyways, Waffles wailed for a good eight minutes trying to run off after his new BFF. Even once the horse was out of sight, Waff continued to cry in hopes that he would return. It was down right heart wrenching. I only hope waffles and the horse will meet again someday for some epic reunion.... and who knows maybe his awesome mom will take him to Central Park in search of horse drawn carriages sometime soon - anyone care to join?!
/// Via instagram ///
P.S. I'm so impressed with Paris for capturing this moment, way to go BF! You can follow him on instagram here 

Vogue Tank c/o Dentz Denim || Denim via WetSeal (older than old) 
Asos Black & White Leather Espadrilles || ILY Couture Ring Set c/o
Halogen Black Tuxedo Vest || Nila Anthony b&w lego Clutch  c/o
Yoko Sunnies c/o Fantas-Eyes also love these pretties
Lips Ruby Woo by Mac || Hashtag necklace c/o Style This Life

This post is part 2 of a 2 part collab with The Jane Street swing by their instagram for sweet snaps of the West, I mean best village, and check out part one of the collab here


  1. What a great photo he caught! So awesome <3

    Sweet Madame Blue

  2. Ahh, the picture of Waffles standing tall towards the horse is so adorable!
    This outfit is so simplistic, "fancy," and cute at the same time. I want the shirt
    so bad, it's so cute!


  3. That picture of Waffles and the horse is so cute!! It's so great that you were able to capture it!

    Nicole to the Nines

  4. Absolutely adorable pics. Your BF nailed it with Waffles and the horse.

  5. I love graphic tees. I dress them up with a swingy skirt and a statement necklace personally. But I have a really girly style!

    Theatricality by Mariah

  6. I love the vests/tees with that quote. How cool is you dog taking on a big horse! So cute!

  7. nice pics!! ;]


    new post


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