Tuesday, September 9, 2014

NYFW 3B (Always Twinning)

Showing up to Prom and finding out someone else is wearing the same dress as you is capital T, Tra-gic and basically the worst thing that could ever happen to a teenaged drama queen in a glittery Betsy Johnson … if Tulle Could Kill. Take it from me, I was unintentional twinning victim of a girl I then hardly knew but now really like (Kim Grennan I'm obsessed with you, did you even know we were twinning? or did I just creep on you from across the gym? probably the latter, so I'm sorry… by the way, you looked fab but what else is new) at homecoming my Senior year. I then wanted to hide in the bathroom stall and cry in some spiked punch all night  - I know what you're thinking, and the answer is yes, I did go to high school in a 1984 brat pack movie, crazy right? Don't worry, I chugged a red bull, got over it and busted out some awesomely embarrassing sprinkler-esque moves on the smelly gym dance floor causing me to sweat off my smokey eye and through my hair extensions…
Gosh, I Miss Highschool
Anyways, Fashion Week is like prom on serious steroids and lasts a week and a half long instead of one big let down of a night, let me prove it to you: You sit, wait and pray for an invite, sound familiar? (unless you're like me and just ask, okay beg, for an invite to the shows you really want to go to). You pick out and plan the perfect outfit eons in advance (unless you enjoy tearing through your closet twenty minutes after you are supposed to be at your show, like I do… what a rush). And you spend all this time making arrangements and scheduling everything down to the minute only to change 90% of your plans at the last second and watch the whole event go by in the blink of an eye. See, they are pretty much parallels, right?! And like Prom, NYFW outfits are kind of crazy important. You'll want to stand out, fit in, look like yourself, look as cool as everyone else, be trendy, wear vintage and show off for the fashion elite… easy right? totally! One thing is for sure, you don't want to be wearing the same thing as anyone else… or do you?
I did and I didn't mind at all! This week I found myself twinning not once but twice at Fashion Week events, and I wouldn't of had it any other way! I loved the style confirmation that seeing double gave me - hey, if someone else is wearing the same thing, I made the right choice. Plus buddying up with another blogger isn't so bad when you find out she's one of the coolest people, ever!
I met (and became obsessed with) Tiffany on day 2 (check the twinnage here), although our mirroring stopped there, our bonding continued all weekend long. In fact, she wore this same yellow dress I'm featuring in this post a few weeks back... Ba-nanas!
Fast forward to Fashion Week Day 3, I wore this yellow dress as my second outfit of the day (see the first here) and was delighted to find myself twinning again, this time with Boston Based blogger, Katherine! Birds of a feather, wear yellow together! I was kind of nervous about wearing such a bright color when we are supposed to be welcoming Fall, so I loved that Katherine was also taking a walk on the bright side with me in a citrus-colored look!
As I mentioned yesterday, I finished NYFW Day 3 by rocking this yellow frock to the Reward Style Rooftop Party, hayyy! There I met a bazillion bloggers and babes, but the stand outs were SF based bloggers Brit & Whit and the queen herself Coco Rocha. I literally lost it when Coco walked in and totally fan girled out. She was so sweet and didn't drop kick me despite my current crazy Courtney state, I should probably be embarrassed about the way I acted but hey, IT'S COCO!!!! Brit & Whit were also really amazing! Fun fact - they were the first blog I ever started reading and a total inspiration for wannabe-blogger-Courtney (back when I was taking self timer photos from my macbook, oh gosh please don't ever go through my archives. Seriously, don't!!!) It was so cool to finally cross paths with them, they were so authentic and awesome (just like I knew they would be) and not to mention glam model-status tall! Funny story, I had no idea they were that tall, I have this weird short-girl-tunnel-vision thing where I figure everyone is midget status like me - I'm 5'1 and 3/4, but who's counting. Although I loved meeting them so much, I guess I will look past their height (or my lack of) and continue to stalk them from my computer. I guess tall girls are cool too… well kinda :] #jk
Kate Spade Dress (also here) || Bracelet c/o ILY Couture || Coach Shoes

Big Thanks to A Second Chance Resale Boutique!
And thank you for supporting brands that support this blog


  1. yellow + blue!! stunning!!




  2. Love the yellow outfit! At fashion week I too would be like oh thank goodness someone else thought this was a good choice too! Lol

  3. Wow wonderful outfit, yellow and blue go so well together! :D

    I have a new outfit post up, let me know what you think! :)



  4. its a great dress and great colouor, no wonder your ended up twinning. id love to go to a fashion week, maybe i shoudl beg for some tickets

  5. You look amazing! Love these bright colors, Courtney!

    Heidi D.

  6. You look adorable, stylish and girly as always, and it's always so great to read all your thoughts!!


  7. I love yellow color so much !!!! And you have a good taste !!
    You are so lucky to be on NYFW , that is my dream !!! :)

    Visit my blog and maybe join giveaway : esfashionup.blogspot.com



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