Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back to School Cool

It's that time of the year again, new classes, new schedule, new school supplies and most importantly new clothes!

Some girls get the back to school blues, and are sad to say so-long to summer… but not me. I welcome Fall with open arms, stock up my wardrobe with boots and bombers and when I was a little bit younger (okay, a lot) I used to love going back to school.
I'll let you in on a little secret - I'm kind of a big nerd. I did my undergrad & MBA by the time I was 21 and have been obsessed with obtaining a 4.0 for as long as I can remember. So naturally, back to school has always been one of my favorite times of the year. Although I am now not in school (tear) and this time of the year means saying goodbye to my precious Summer Fridays (double tear), warm weather and Mr. Softee (say it isn't so) I still love pretending like the excitement of back to school is just around the corner, and use it as an excuse to totally rationalize rebuilding my wardrobe, sorry bank account!
A back to school bomber is a Fall must! I have been wanting a super cool bomber for years now, but never end up pulling the trigger. I bought this one on a whim two weeks ago, total impulse buy from Asos while shopping for my derby hat. With sporty styles now on the rise (goodbye stilettos, hello sneakers) pairing a varsity jacket with these killer calf hair keds was a no brainer and the perfect way to step into the season!
Asos Bomber (sold out a day after I bought it, boo) similar here
Tommy Hilfiger Dress (old) similar here, here, here or here || Calf Hair Keds c/o

P.S. how perfect is this car? Paris usually takes my pictures, but when brunching with Miss Daisy this weekend we stumbled upon this vintage-esque car two blocks away from my apt and just had to shoot with it - giving this post a vintage ad vibe
Since we are talking back to school, I had to share a little Courtney walk down memory lane with some of baby C's stylish back to school looks - don't laugh! Okay it's hilarious, laugh.
School picture, Age 3 - cool chin scar.
And speaking of vintage vibes, I am rocking the heck out of these rhinestoned cat eyes, work!
Now that I have completely embarrassed myself, I'm going to pat myself on the back a bit. I am completely flabbergasted by reaching 9K followers on instagram, thanks so much for all your love and support! I really love interacting with all of you on an instant basis and cannot express how thankful I am for awesome followers like you! If you haven't joined the party yet, what are you waiting for? Pop on by & let the fun begin! @colormecourtney


  1. that outfit is far to cool for school, love the stripes. how cute are you as a kid!

  2. What an awesome back to school look! I love how the polka dots and stripes go together.

  3. Hello lovely, thank you for the sweet comment on my blog, I really appreciate it!

    Great post, thanks for sharing - you look wonderful, absolutely love this look!! :)

    I have a new outfit post up, would love to know your thoughts:


  4. Really lovely! The varsity jacket definitely reminds me of high school! haha goodness makes me feel old xD Gorgeous outfit courtney! xx

  5. Gorgeous, lovely photos... love the post.

    Lots of love.

  6. I love this combo! The perfect go-to-school outfit! :)

  7. I love your blog ! You styled this look so beautifully, it is really retro but modern as well because your encompassing new trends ! In love <3

    P.s. you were so cute when you were little !!!



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