Monday, May 26, 2014

Well Written

Hi all! I'm really excited to announce a new aspect that I will be adding to my blog from here on out - video (or vlogging, if you will). I have wanted to step into adding video elements to the blog for a while now and finally have the equipment and help to do so. So stay tuned for colorful videos coming soon to a blog near you!
So I am a wee-bit nerdy and am certainly very type A. As a result, I'm obsessed with making (and sticking to) elaborate and detailed to do lists, and my planner - yes, I still keep a handwritten planner, is a work of art. As a result colorful, quality pens are very important to me! My mom and I have even been in a 5 year war over the "perfect pen" - its a random ball point pen that one of us probably stole from a doctors office (oops!). It writes so well that we continue to steal from each other whenever we have the chance, sneaky sneaky. Anyways, the 5 year fight finally came to an end when I let her take home the winning writer when she came to visit a few weeks bag. Why you may ask, because I received the cutest personalize package from Pilot Pen equipped with the most amazing pens to help me write in style!

Pilot pens new line of "fashion pens" inspired me to share some of my current cravings and favorite products right now:
I'm so into colored shades at the moment, and these cool blue ray bans are to die for, plus I'm lusting for the Parisian inspired powder blue pillow from C.wonder - it would look great in my pink and blue bedroom that I can't wait to share with you! I'm loving this sweet and citrus inspired green hue, especially in skorts (my spring/summer go-to) and limey Nikes! I've been wearing converse and sneakers on replay, it's fun to switch things up with full dresses and girlie touches like pink hues or Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume. Back in the day I was all about orange, and this top shop skirt has me reverting back to my old ways - it's gorgeous!!! and who doesn't love a midi! OH and can we talk about this pineapple bag... Swoon! Oh Charlotte Olympia - you can do no wrong.
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  1. lovely blog and love your choose!!
    the pineapple bag is so cute <3

  2. just discovered your blog and i love it. awesome share! x


  3. Excited to see more videos! I also do video on my blog and it's really fun.

  4. That's awesome you're going to do videos <3

    Sweet Madame Blue

  5. I really love videos, I'm looking forward to see them :)

    Thank you for visiting <3

    P.S. Love the pineapple bag <3 <3 - New post!

  6. I LOVE lists and I write everything in my Lilly Pulitzer planner!


  7. Super cute, I can't wait to watch more videos!

    Pink Champagne Problems

  8. Lovely post =)

    I am following you now on bloglovin, would you like to follow me back so we can stay in touch?

  9. i would love to take one of everything in every color! beautiful…thanks for sharing!


    be sure to check out my kate spade bracelet giveaway.


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