Friday, February 7, 2014

This year I will...

So I know it's February, but today I wanted to share my New Years Resolutions! I am usually the girl who makes crazy big resolutions and never sticks to them, Oops! But this year I am determined to make them happen, so I gave myself a "test" month (January) before fully committing! Now, I'm ready to jump into 2014 and grow a little along the way.
This year I will...
Learn French - So maybe my beret obsession won't seem quite so ridiculous
Pucker Up! - Never leave the house (well my apt) without lipstick
Learn to DJ - This has been a big dream of mine for a while,
and even more so since I discovered my addition to vinyl records. Picture thus Red lip, Sequin Skirt &the occasional fedora.
Celebrate everything! - Remember the Hopeless Hostess Courtney,
who thought no event was too small to celebrate? I miss her, so I'm bringing her back!
Oh and as always I resolve to shop ... somehow that's one of those resolutions that I always manage to keep. Hmm... Here's what I'm coveting right this instant!

What are/were you resolutions?
I hope you're sticking to them better than I usually do :]
PS - Happy Friday & Happy Fashion Week! :]
Make sure to enter to win VIP tickets to NYFW here
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1 comment:

  1. My resolution is to wear more pink!
    To be as girl as possible as often as i can
    to relearn spanish
    enroll back in grad school..


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