Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sparkle

Happy Sunday! Today's the big game, and this year everyone
ventured to my town (well kind of) to see who comes out on top! Since none of my teams made it to the bowl, so I basically formed my alliance based on team colors & a coin flip ... so Go Broncos?! :]

Special thanks to Bowen Bijoux for my big game bracelets!
Bracelets: c/o Bowen Bijoux // Jeans: Gap // My boyfriend's sweater: Tommy Hilfiger
Shirt: H&M // Heels: J.crew, love these // Bag: Kate Spade // Hat: Marc by Marc Jacobs // Sunnies: Karen Walker (also here) // Rings: H&M // Necklace: Marc by Marc Jacobs 
I work uptown at 40th and broadway right near Times Square where they have been celebrating since Tuesday... So I've been in super bowl mode all week long! It has been fun, but will be nice to get back to normal after the big game.
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1 comment:

  1. Oh your style is absolute amazing and I totally love your jumper/sweatshirt & handbag especially too!:)

    I wish we could meet up at for example a Coffee Shop & talk about blogging and other girly stuff:) and yay- if I'll be in NYC soon!:)

    NIKA Bittner


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