Wednesday, February 26, 2014

AZ >> The Farm

I'm so exited to welcome back Katrina 
for another Arizona-esque post, take it away Katrina...
The Farm at South Mountain is by far my favorite place in the Valley. The ten acre farm is ensconced in the middle of all the urban clamor of Phoenix. It is a wonderful place to smugly wear spring dresses and sandals in February while most of the country is dealing with the fallout of having actual seasons.

As the name indicates, there is indeed a farm here, Maya's Farm. Here you will find evolving crops and have the opportunity to gardening classes or learn to grow your own produce.

The Farm has three different resturants: Morning Glory Café for breakfast, The Farm Kitchen for lunch and Quiescence for dinner. My favorite is The Farm Kitchen for a lunch in the pecan groves.

The sprawling facility has an artist studio, a healing spa and boutique in addition to being an event venue.

If the place couldn't get any more charming, the offer an array of activities like open air markets, yoga in the groves and a host of classes.

The Farm really is a perfect refuge from the noise and energy of the city. Being there harkens a sense of connectivity with name. The best part is it always makes me keenly aware the importance of being conscientious of our food sources.

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While Kartina was getting in touch with mother nature, I'm living in a concrete jungle: 30 block walks to work and eating takeout every night - I literally haven't ben to the super market in months, and now I just said supermarket, what year is this, 1964? - Although I would rather be poor & miserable living in NYC than rich & happy anywhere else (where are my priorities) posts like today fill me with nostalgia for my former home. Cheers to you AZ and all your outdoor space ... you stay classy Arizona!

I hope you enjoyed Katrina 2nd CMC contribution, I'm sure you're all as obsessed with her now as I have been for years... Anyways, Katrina be back next month for another AZ post, stay tuned. Until then, learn more about Katrina here & see her other here
XO Courtney

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