Sunday, December 1, 2013

Times Square Tulle

Happy December! On a windy day, why not wear tea length tulle? Well there's quiet a few reasons why not, and the number one is to avoid a mid-day Marilyn Moment.
Jacket: Nordies (love this one) // Skirt: H&M (get the look here, here or black here) // Sweater: DIY (Look for the tutorial, I'll post it on Friday or shop here) //  Sunnies: Karen Walker (also here) // Boots: Bacio 61 (Also here) // Bag: Coach (similar) // Jewels: Kate Spade Necklace (love this "chic" one) // J.crew // C.wonder (Sample sale find) // pearls
I had a meeting one windy afternoon in Times Square, so I took a second to enjoy one of the town's top tourist spots! Tulle skirts always make me feel like Carrie Bradshaw or a ballerina, but today I paired my tulle with a girlie sweatshirt (I'll share the DIY tutorial this friday) and my go-to boots to dress it down! I dare you to dress outside the lines this month and try tulle with tights & a sweater!
 photo cmc_zpsa472da3b.png


  1. You look fab, what a fun outfit! Hope you stay warm in NYC!

    1. Thanks Lisa! It's pretty cold here (especially since I'm from Arizona) but I love it!
      Let's stay in touch click here to follow along :] I'll make sure to return the favor!
      XO Courtney Q

  2. Replies
    1. Its so old from H&M and I wear it alllll the time. haha It's a problem <3


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