Monday, December 23, 2013

Color Me Christmas

Seasons greetings!
With Christmas around the corner, I wanted to share some of my colorful and diy holiday decor in my NYC apartment.
Holidays can get expensive, so I was determined to have a frugal festive season, and that included the decor. I bought a little tree for only $12 at Duane Reade (Walgreens) stacked it on coffee table books for extra height! I love over-the-top wrapping and big bows, but didn't want to waste the dough on something that would just get thrown away, so I utilized my hair bows, scarfs, belts and pins in association with some great vintage bow finds to embellish the presents! I also created a advent calendar with candy and suggestions on how to add color to the holiday season, such as "treat yourself to tea" ... which I did! After a few lights, and a pinch of glitter, all that was left was to put a bow on it; I added bows to my dinning chairs, candy canisters and even my wall to finalize the festive feel. 

Now that you have seen the merry make-over, check out my apartment 6-6, to see the rest of my NYC apartment without the festive feel.
Waffles and I hope your holidays are merry and bright, I'll be taking the next few days off for some time festive fun, but will get back to blogging towards the end of the week. Until then, stay fabulous!
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  1. Very cute holiday decor. I love your apartment!

    1. thanks LV! I love following your blog, I hope you return the favor (click here)

      Courtney Q

  2. cute decoration dear and i like the dog statue


    1. Thanks Putri, you're so sweet!
      What do you say we follow each other? (click here) Let me know!

      Courtney Q

  3. Very cute and beautiful! Cool dog! Happy weekend!


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