Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Night at the Museum

I've been in New York for nearly a year now (can you believe it?) but i've been a busy bee since landing here last winter and have yet to do all of the "tourist-y" things i've been yearning for. So this weekend we tackled he Museum of Natural History and today I'm sharing the highlights! Oh, and don't be startled by the lack of color in this post ... there's nothing wrong with me,  I just wanted to switch up the photography for this one to give it a classic twist. 

It doesn't get much better than an afternoon spent at the museum with some of your favorite people! The exhibits were amazing and there was just so much to learn (sorry, my geek is showing). My favorite exhibit had to be the dinosaurs, they are just spectacular to see! But I also really enjoyed the ocean life area ...  speaking of which can you believe the size of that whale!? 
Sweater: Tommy Hilfiger (snagged it at the sample sale!) // Skirt: Modcloth // Boots: Bacio 61 (Also here) // bag: Coach // Belt: Saks (via my sisters closet) // Jewels: C.Wonder (sample sale finds) // Kate Spade //  J.crew 

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1 comment:

  1. I love me a good museum. I'll definitely try to check out the Museum of Natural History next time I'm up in New York. Meanwhile, cute outfit.


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