Monday, October 14, 2013


This weekend, we camped out for SNL tickets are we able to attend the live show with host Bruce Willis and Performances by Katy Perry! It was such a great and interesting experience that I had to share my story today.

Jacket: thrifted (similar) // Top: J.crew (similar herehere) // Bag: Moschino // Skort: Zara (similar) // Black Tights // Sunnies: Karen Walker (also here) // Necklace: Marc Jacobs (similar) // Shoes: Kate Spade (love these!) // Lips: Nars 
So SNL tickets are reserved for guests of cast members, VIP's and other network related big-wigs, but there are always stand by tickets available for the "commoners" like me! They give these "tickets" out Saturday morning at 7AM, but people line up hours and even days in advance to get these "tickets". We (My boyfriend Paris, my life-long friend Taylor [check out her awesome blog] and her amazing husband James) showed up around 2am and got comfy for our all-nighter.

Here's how it works:
When 7 AM Saturday morning rolls around, NBC employees eqquiped with clipboards make their way down the line collecting your information (you need a photo ID with a birthday) asking what show you want to attend and administering numbered tickets. You have the choice of picking the 7:30 dress rehearsal show or the 10:30 live performance (what you see on your TV at home); we went with the live show received tickets number 41-44. Then we went home, caught-up on sleep, and reported back to the studio with our ID's and tickets at 10:30 and hopped in line based on numerical order. When 11 rolled around, they started letting people into the studio, about 30 at a time: through a metal detector, up an elevator, down a hallway and into the double decker studio for the live taping. This was the moment of truth, cause although we camped out all night and received a "stand by ticket", you are never guaranteed admission until you are actually in a seat. Paris and I were actually one of the last few people in, although people behind us who didn't make the cut thought they were going to get it! 
via instagram, follow along: @courtney_fowler @tayhartley 

My Recommendation - Go!
If you're even a little SNL fan, and like the musical guest and/or host, I would absolutely recommend camping out the night before and trying to get tickets. For the camp out, I would get there no later than 1AM to increase your chances of getting in. Also, I suggest that you have an idea of what show to choose before hand (the live show or the dress rehearsal), but also try asking the clipboard employees the numeric status of each show prior to picking. And Finally, make sure you go with good people! Taylor and James are some of our favorite people so camping out with them was less of a chore and more of an all-night-party. We had a blast and plan on doing this again sometime soon! 

P.S. Was anyone else dying during the Boy Dance Party Skit?
It's now one of my new favorites!

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  1. Great post!
    x Hannah

  2. such a fun experience with you guys! James and I both agree the best part really was camping out with you guys playing games! we love you guys! xoxo

  3. I camped out for the premiere (Tina Fey/Arcade Fire) and got there at noon on Thursday. We made it in but were numbers 17 and 18 in line! It was an incredible experience. I'm glad you guys got in :)



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