Monday, September 23, 2013

So Long Sweet Summer

I'm obsessed with these necessary clothing shorts (last seen here), they were the perfect throw-on piece for summer, so easy and chic! I'm actually kind of sad to retire them for fall, but I'll pull them out next summer!

Shop this look and similar styles:
top: francescas // shorts: necessary clothing // sunnies: karen walker // shoes: sam edleman (red) // necklace: marc by marc jacobs // bag: francescas // rings: wire wrap // vintage 

Can you believe summer is almost over?
I will be sad to see it go, but I must admit that I am excited for fall in the city! Growing up in Arizona, I never really had seasons, and San Francisco (where I lived last year) is pretty seasonless as well, so I am excited to welcome the change! My style got simplified this summer, so I am also anxious to see how it evolves with my first nyc fall! I'm also more than ready to indulge in a pumpkin spice steamer (i don't drink coffee, so this is the alternative version... tastes the same without the kick!), I know it's already here but I'm not ready to invest in one until the weather starts to change! Anyways, what are you looking forward to most this fall? 
Oh and Before you go,
check out some of my simple summer favorites...
 photo 7_zps9fc26bcf.png photo summer_zpsc726b9aa.png photo bloom_zps8a220a48.png

1 comment:

  1. I'm obsessed with your Red polka dot peplum! Can't find a decent one anywhere!! Help. Wanted to be Minnie for Halloween. Please help


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