Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Polka Dot Picnic

This weekend, I spent my sunday picnicking at the park with polka dots and my pup!

The weather has been beautiful lately! We're smack in the middler of summer and fall, it's cooled down quite of bit, making the temperature just right! So Paris and I decided to take Waffles on a little polka dot picnic at Washington Square Park. 

It's no secret I'm a polka dot enthusiast, (basically everything I own is dotted) so I had to our bring my signature spots to our sunday adventure! Our blanket is actually an old shower curtain in disguise, (curtains work the best because of their durability) and the feast included fried chicken, biscuits, strawberries and lemonade served on polka dot plates, confetti glasses, spotted silverware and a dotted thermos (are you noticing a theme here?).  
3's Company...
The picnic started out so pretty... but after fighting off waffles with much strength and creativity, we quickly devoured it! Here's the aftermath...

Plates: Kate Spade // cups: DIY (I'll share a tutorial soon!) // Silverware: Present Time via Modcloth
Dotted dinning wear shop!
Did you happen to notice my basket? Last time I was in Arizona, I found this amazing cross-body picnic basket and thought it would be perfect for the city! Soon after, my mom sent it me in NYC and I have been itching to use it ever since! It makes picnicking a breeze and it's so easy to tote around the city!
Dress: Kate Spade // Jacket: h&m // sunnies: Karen Walker // Picnic Basket: Vintage // Shoes: H&M (similar) // Ring: Forever 21 // Wristlet: Coach (similar)

 Twirl time! I was also excited to get one last summer look out of one of my favorite twirl-worthy dresses. I dressed it down with keds and a denim jacket, but was still able to spin with a smile. 1, 2, 3, Twirl!
What are you plans for the weekend? If the weather permits it, I challenge you to sneak in one last picnic before we're up to our turtle necks in knee-high boots and pumpkin spice lattes! Ta-ta for now....

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  1. I'm so jealous- it looks like such a fun day. What is your lipstick color? It is absolutely perfect.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey Megan! Thanks so much, you're too sweet! My lipstick is Dragon Girl by Nars It's a lipstick "crayon" and it stays on all day! It's the perfect red orange, goes on matte and lasts forever! I swear by it!!! hah I also love Ruby Woo by Mac It's a little bit more ruby red (hence the name) but also matte, long lasting and amazing! Sorry I can talk lipstick all day, anyways, thanks for stopping by!

      Let's stay in touch, please follow this blog :]

  2. Yup, it's official. That dress is amazingly cute! xo

  3. Love! Let me know if you ever want to sell this dress ;)

    1. Thanks lady!!!! I'm currently still in love but if I change my mind I'll reach out to you!

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  4. Love this, such a fun play on polka dots! Beautiful dress! Hope you had a lovely picnic!


    1. Thanks Lauren!!! It was a blast!

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