Thursday, July 11, 2013

she & him

monday was probably the best night of my life!
i saw my favorite band she & him live in central park!
maybe this will change your mind...
 one sunday afternoon, i was listening to she and him with channing when i said "we should see them live" then i jumped online to see if they were coming to the manhattan area in the near future. I was heart broken when I saw they came the night prior and performed in the park, but then instantly ecstatic when I noticed they were doing another performance the next night! It was simply serendipitous, so I knew I had to go!
taken while getting lost on my way to rumsey playfield 
i'm not really a concert person, I would usually prefer to listen to the record in my bed and avoid the skin on skin contact with sweaty strangers singing the words... but on monday, I was that stranger... and I loved every second of it!
 I had never been to a concert where I knew all the words to every song and could just really enjoy  sing and dance along all night, so this was a great experience for me! I don't think this one changed my mind about concerts, I'll still probably never make it to a giant performance with 5+ thousand people again. But I'll now remain open minded to similar, smaller venues and look forward to seeing more live music soon.
oh, and did i mention that it started pouring mid concert....
note to self, never wear white.
 over all, i had the most fantastic time... rain and all. the evening was simply magical and something I will never, ever forget. I cannot wait to see she & him perform again soon... it will happen.
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  1. how wonderful! they are in my neck of the woods tonight. i don't know what made me and my husband not buy tickets. we're kind of regretting, but we knew we would be preoccupied with other things. glad to have caught glimpses through your blog!

    1. jane, going was the best decision i have every made!!!! they are fantastic, i'm glad you could get your she&him fix here! I'm even more obsessed with them now that i've seen them!

  2. You have a great blog. Should we follow each other? Let me know. Have a nice day. :)

    1. hey melly, thank you! sounds like I plan i'll head over and follow you <3 thanks for the offer !

  3. ah, I wanted to go see them two nights ago. lucky duck!

    1. next time you have a chance you have to go!!!! they are so amazing it made me love them a million times more, if that's even possible!

  4. Zoe Deschanel is probably my favorite human EVER, so jealous!

    xo Camilla

    Into The Fold

    1. isn't she just the best? my life long dream is to be her stylist!


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