Monday, December 31, 2012

twenty twelve

for the last day of the year, i thought it was appropriate to reminisce a bit about 2012, starting with the top twelve looks of twenty twelve! (including the most popular, as well as some of my favorite outfits)

// vanilla //
 // blair flair // 
 // summer sizzle //
 // shine on //
// dots && spots // 
// ysl //

&& since i couldn't pick just twelve, here's a quick peek at some of my other favorites! 
now, let us reflect...
well, another year has come and gone (can you believe it?). && for me, 2012 was one of the hardest! you guys may night know it (because i am always so happy && bright on the blog) but this was a tough one. i kept getting hit while i was down && faced some of the biggest challenges, heartbreaks, health issues, hardships && obstacles I have ever come across.
moving to a city by myself without knowing anyone was really scary (technically that was 2011/2012, but still) but i grew up a lot && got to know myself even better. my best friend (whitney) began serving a mission in portugal, so we went from texting 50 times a day to being bi-monthly pen pals, so that's been really really tough! i miss her everyday but will see her this summer && know she is off doing good, so i try not to be too selfish about it. some of you know about the sicknesses i battle && they grew to an all time high in twenty twelve so that was really fun, but didn't kill me and i like to think it made (will make.. since i'm still facing it) me stronger.
i finished my mba and my 2nd and final semester doing so was crazy challenging. i would study ten hours a day seven days a week and didn't sleep for about six months. i crammed two and a half semesters worth of classes into one semester and was really tired after it, even just thinking about it now makes me want to take a nap... and i'm not a nap person. oh && not to mention they cancelled gossip girl... not sure how i'll ever recover from that ;] ... but really.
all these things in combination with a few big personal struggles && road bumps made it one tough year, but i can't complain too much. i had the time of my life exploring the city and i met so many amazing people including: 1) an amazing role model, mother && mentor who supports and believes in me more than i thought anyone ever could, 2) my twin, other half && fabulous friend, emily, who is so like me (but better) that it kind of creeps me out... but in a good way. she is an amazing person && friend who i aspire to be more like everyday and 3) the fran-tastic francis, my gbf && future nyc roomie who added so much, dare i say sparkle to my world by enhancing it in ever way, things are just so much brighter with francis in my world && i can't wait to spend this year with him!
I also returned home to arizona where i was reunited with my friends, family && my three favorite children (the ones i nanny)! I met some amazing new girls at the kate spade scottsdale store && have loved getting to work in a different environment as the shop stylist! && most importantly, i gave birth to a furry four-legged little son: waffles, who is the apple of my eye && my whole entire world!

thanks so much for following along throughout 2012 && i can't wait to see you all in the new year!
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  1. Happy New Year, love! hope you had a fantastic year and make a bang in 2013! btw, Waffles is slightly my obsession! He's ADORABLE!


  2. Happy New Year, Courtney! I would have never guessed that 2012 was anything but amazing, you're great for always putting on a brave face on the blog. Loved your recap.

    p.s. Maybe well both be in NYC at the same time and can be shopping buddies :)

  3. Just visiting your blog after your Bombshell post. You seem like such a lovely young lady. Your spirit is strong and your style is sensational. Best of luck in all your future endeavors!


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