Tuesday, December 25, 2012


i love love love the holidays && really enjoyed celebrating with friends, family && my favorite little man!
 some holiday highlights...
plaid pajamas // snow man costume // santa in disguise // my boy in a bow // letters to santa 
some of you received our first christmas card in the mail! if not, here is a peek! the card read "we woof you a merry christmas && a yappy new year"
we wanted to take this time to give a big big big thank you to my best friends mom, stephanie who was amazing enough to take our first ever christmas pic!
however && what ever you celebrate this season, i hope you celebrated in style! stay tuned for more holiday posts coming your way in the next few days! cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Merry Christmas to you! Hope you had a fantastic holiday season so far!




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