Thursday, November 29, 2012

grey or blue

casual courtney must have been listening to the song "grey or blue" by jaymay while getting ready this morning && it served as the subconscious inspiration for today's outfit.
"your eyes are either grey or blue, i'm never close enough to say"

 dress down an otherwise dressy pencil skirt by pairing it with riding boots && a boyfriend sweater. finish with tights, to keep from looking skimpy && a statement necklace to draw the attention up to your face while evening out your proportions!
sweater: forever 21 // purse: kate spade (outlet find) // skirt: vintage (try the j.crew no. 2 pencil skirts, so many colors) // tights: modcloth // necklaces: pealrs (make your own) // boots: nicole // rings: kate spade // wire wrap x2 (customizable && great for gifts) // vintage // sunnies: miu miu //earrings: kate spade // arm party: sequin // kate spade (similar) // sequin // kate spade idioms x9 (old-ish) // kate spade // vintage // j.crew 


  1. How cool is this polkadot combo!!!! Very nice girlie!!!!

    7eventh Letter


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