Friday, October 26, 2012

diy friday: glitter boots

we're over due for another diy friday post & this one is just in time for fall!
since boot season is upon us, this post will help you give your busted boots a glamours makeover so they can see another season!

cap toe boots are always big for fall, and sparkle is always special for holiday so it was about time to combine these two trends into one easy diy project!
here's what you'll need: your old boots, the finest black glitter you can find (try martha stewart's brand at  michaels), spray mount, blue painters tape, and aerosol hairspray.
this project is quick && easy, here's how to turn your boots from worn to wow in four easy steps:
1. tape off your cap toe or side panel leaving the part you want glittered exposed. 2. spray where you want it to shine. 3. sprinkle the glitter over the spray mount, and shake off the excess glitter (you may have to repeat steps 2-3 for more coats). 4. use hair spray to seal in your glitter && let your boots dry before wearing. you might want to continue to spritz a lithe hair spray before && after each wear, that's what i do with all of my glitter pieces to ensure they don't rub with wear.

then, wear && enjoy!
best of luck to all that attempt! && be sure to check out my other diy friday post for my craft-spiration!

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