Tuesday, September 4, 2012


p is for poised, polished && pretty in prep.
I've been watching a lot of old gossip girl reruns lately, and loving the preppy blair a la season one and two, sighhh. so although today's look is not very blair-esque, I was thinking of the preppy princess when I found myself inspired to put some prep in my step for today's outfit.

when cleaning out my closet I discovered this lacoste polo I've had forever. although these polo's are no longer as popular as they once were, they are still perfect for a prep-tastic look, so I thought I would put it to good use. I updated it by tucking it into a skirt && playing with fun colors.
i am now back in arizona (i just recently moved back to my home town to save up before my eventual move to new york city) && once i get back into the swing of things, i plan taking tennis up again! && with the crazy hot weather now i have been forced to move away from my love of layering for the time being. This post, the tennis && the gossip girl reruns have inspired me, && I think you will be seeing plenty more preppy posts in the near future.
polo: lacoste // skirt: sandee royalty // pumps fluevog //hangbag: kate spade// lipstick: kate spade (shocking pink) // earrings: coach // arm party: kate spade // j.crew // kate spade // nordies.Photobucket


  1. Courtney you look so cute in this outfit! Are you still with kate spade even though you moved? I hope so!

    1. Thank you!!!! I am sure you can relate to my current dilemma of dressing for warm weather !!! I am ! I am at the Scottsdale store and the style advisor there!


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