Thursday, September 27, 2012

courtney lately

it's time for another insta update...

so here is all that is new && now in my world, through the eyes of my iPhone && the magic of instagram

:: new shoes && new stuff ::
 i pick up a few pairs of new sole mates, polka dot nails, shop stylist product perks && my fabulous && fashionable kate spade great gatsby clutch, that i have only wanted for like mu entire life.
:: something old, something new ::
i tried a few new things: blogging with waffles, going out to mill (polka dot outfit) && dining at the duce (check it out the post). i got a new macbook, saw pride && prejudice (finally) && babysat waffle's cousin lilly! i also stuck to some of my old favorites, mini donuts && macaroons!
 :: sir waffles leopold nelson fowler ::
smile waffles! what can i say? i'm an obnoxious mom, all i do is snap && post pics of my hansom little man. my poor instagram followers, are probably so tired of all these pics... but honestly, how could you ever grow sick of this face?

want more?
i often post outfit pics, fashion finds, waffles updates && other interesting images via instragram (courtney_fowler) so make sure you are following! i'll also tweet style tips and tricks, so follow via twitter to stay fashionably connected, hooray!
until next time, stay fabulous!



  1. Hey Courtney! I hope you're looooving the October collection as much as I am :) I put together my favorite look (I'm like... beyond obsessed with the judy skirt) on my pinterest along with some of the other new pieces if you want to check it out!

  2. Love these little snippets Courtney and that green stripes skirt is so adorable! How are things with your move? Are you all settled in?


  3. Your dog is precious!! I love how you mixed your houndstooth coat with your polka dot shirt. Very tricky but pleasing.!.

    Sincerely Daja


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