Tuesday, August 28, 2012

let the games begin!

The hopeless hostess always follows trending topics && events to use for party themes! Since the hunger games movie has just been released on dvd, the hopeless hostess won't be able to help herself. She'll throw a celebratory hunger games dinner sworrie && screaming party, or save her ideas for a premier party for when the sequel debuts next summer.
The hopeless hostess decides to plan a "tribute feast" as depicted towards the end of the first movie, and uses easy e-vites to set the scene for potential attendees! To make e-vites even easier, use this custom invite option I created.
the hopeless hostess wants her guests to immediately feel in theme when they enter her own personal hunger games, so she decorates her table with a dark table cloth && fake foliage. she then hangs && frames hunger games posters (this hopeless hostess just bought the entertainment weekly hunger games magazine, but now a frugal hostess could find similar images online).
the hostess finishes the look by embellishing her table with custom character name tags && district pins. she is always in the know, && finds out what character her guests will be attending as so she can print adoringly. to take a little of the heat off of you as a hostess, I provided you with some free party printable. download district buttons && download name tags
Don't let the name fool you, although the hopeless hostess may toast to the hunger games, there will be no short supply of food at her party! She starts will on-theme appetizers (peeta bread && spinach dip, goat cheese && sliced apple tarts) && then serves a district 11 agricultural salad (your favorite fruity salad), beef && veggie stew (try this one) && store bought rolls from the boy with the bread.   
the hopeless hostess won't let her guests leave hungry, so she continues to wow with delicious desserts! she draws inspiration from characters like fox face (who's demise came from poison berries) && cinna (katniss's sensitive stylist) to create a poison berry perfection (1/3 of store bought mini short cake, berries, served with whipped cream) && mini cinna-buns.
the hopeless hostess has to have guests who leave feeling full && fabulous, so uses her final treat to serve as the grand finale! she ends the night with "girl on fire, flaming desserts" in honor of katniss everdeen, the girl on fire. she starts with peaches, adds vanilla ice cream (pre scoop && freeze in a cupcake tin), drizzles raspberry sauce && tops with a lemon juice soaked sugar cube (the juice allows it to burn). Then she set's it all on fire as she serves && watches the jaws drop!
although the invites, food && decor are all important, the real fun comes from coming in character! so the hopeless hostess only invites guests who will dress the part for an epic party! the hopeless hostess herself, of course comes as the most outrageous && over-the-top character.
or go for a less extravagant, but probably more important like katniss everdeen or any other tribute by wearing arena ready gear!
so in summary ... happy hunger games!


  1. Wow! You're soooo creative. I am loving your blog. It helps that I just watched this movie last weekend thanks to Red Box. LOL

    I am now following your blog. I have to stay updated. =)

    Sincerely Daja

    1. Oh, thank you!!!!! i am glad you are enjoying it! I love taking requests as well so send me an email or leave a comment with one if you are ever in need of some advice <3 I am also glad you got to watch the hunger games, I'm obsessed!!!!

  2. Would you be willing to share directions for the Girl On Fire desserts?

    1. yeah of course, sorry i just got around to seeing this comment! its just ice cream and canned peaches, then i drizzled with strawberry syrup. then i dipped sugar cubes in lemon juice to make them flammable, and set them on top just before lighting the desserts!

  3. how did u do the girl on fire ice cream? did you just set the sugar on fire?

    1. i dipped sugar cubes in lemon juice to make them flammable, and set them on top just before lighting the desserts! <3

    2. Did you use fresh squeezed lemon juice? Or the one that comes in a bottle? We tried it with the fresh squeezed and it didn't work. :(

    3. oh no! i used the one from the bottle!

  4. Ok, thank you so much! I will try it.


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