Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cue the Confetti

Cue the confetti...
I'm (re)introducing hopeless hostess: a new segment on my blog!

Being the party animal that I am, I love to have and host extreme dinner parties for my fabulous friends!  I used to share these over the top events on my party planning blog, hopeless hostess, but not anymore, I'm consolidating!
From now on, I will be celebrating on Color Me Courtney by featuring some of my past and present parties on this blog! Continue to tune in to CMC regularly or click the top "hopeless hostess" button for hostess how to's, party planning tips & tricks and all things celebratory!
So be sure stay tuned in for some serious party planning posts, I hope you enjoy! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. What cute cup cakes. Not surprised that they are poka-dot.


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