Monday, April 30, 2012

Study Break

Pause... I'm feeling a little overwhelmed...
As some of your may know, or have noticed, I try to blog everyday and at the very least 4-5 days a week! Although I never take a break from fashion, I may be taking some time off from blogging for the next few weeks. 

It is crunch time at school and my MBA course load is taking up all of my time! Plus I am still working 25 hours a week and tackling my two internships, yikes! So please forgive me if I am slightly out of touch for the next two weeks, I promise I'll be back soon! :]

I will try to post as much as I can! Even if I am not blogging, I will post outfit pics on instragram (courtney_fowler) so make sure you are following! I'll also tweet style tips and tricks, so follow via twitter to stay fashionably connected, yay!

And for all of those busy bees (like me), this is for you!

1 comment:

  1. Although this will break my heart </3 it is well deserved! Your style is so cuteeee ill just stalk youu


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