Thursday, April 5, 2012

Katy's Komeback

The secrets out... I love Katy Perry ... and her new teen vouge cover!
so this post is for you Katy!

Teen Vogue!
Katy will be gracing the may issue of teen vogue, blue hair and all! Here's a sneak peak...

so yes, we love her retro elegance in this shoot, but why else do we love katy? oh let me count the ways!

Her hair is awesome... and ever changing!
 She loves her fans... and can rock pink hair (do we see a theme here?)
 She's smoking hot and has a fun retro flair.
She's been through something rough, but she's strong.... and her hair is pink. 
And most importantly, once upon a time she wore a watermelon romper. Maybe sometime this summer I'll make myself one of these because I am sew obsessed :] !
Why do you love katy?

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I just wish she would go back to natural hair color and lose that blue! Have a great day honey! Kori xoxo


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