Friday, March 30, 2012

Carried Away

Get Ready to Meet the New Carrie Bradshaw!
After speed reading through the Hunger Games last summer, I was in need of a good read and nothing could compare, until I got hooked on Candace Bushels: The Carrie Diaries. It may not be as intense and gripping at THG but it was just what I needed after hunga's emotional roller coster!

Quickly after reading the Carrie Diaries and its sequel Summer In the City (both books tell the story of Carrie Bradshaw before the Girls, Big and NYC) I crossed my fingers for a TV pick up! To my surprise, my dreams came true sooner than expected when in Fall 2012, the CW and the makers of Gossip Girl announced they would be picking up the series (yay).

But then came the big question... who will be young CB? Well the wait is over... as our young girl before she was an it girl is revealed...
Meet AnnasSophia Robb ... the new Carrie Bradshaw!
Look familiar? you may remember her as a bouncing-bubble-gum-brat turned blue in Tim Burton's Willie Wonka or more recently aside the Rock in Race to Witch Mountain.
But it no longer matter what she character she played before, she will have big Manolo's to fill now as she takes on the It Girl herself, Carrie Bradshaw... let's see how she stacks up.
I'm not gonna lie, at first glance of AnnaSophia without her Carrie Styling I was slightly skeptical, but after seeing her on the set as young CB I think she will actually make a great little Carrie!
One of my favorite parts of the books is The Carrie Bag: CB was heartbroken after someone spilled nail polish on a vintage bag she inherited from her late mother, but instead of crying over spilled polished, she made it a work of art ... take a peak!
Although the Carrie Diaries takes place in the 80's when Carrie is only a Senior in Highschool, I wanted to update her look to something with present day flair by exploring what young CB would wear in 2012.
Since there are many sides to the older put together carrie, we know that young CB has to have many different sides and styles as she begins to find herself. I wanted to explore all these sides through carrie's closet!
No news yet on who will play Miranda, Samantha and my favorite... Charlotte but based on the books, they won't be introduced until later on in the story. But as soon as I hear anything, I will share it with you!

Speak Up!
What do you think of this new Carrie Bradshaw? Are you excited for this series or would you rather stick to the classics?
I would love to hear from you!


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